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Wednesday 22 September 2010

Graham Healed


During 2009 I went to my GP to ask about the pain I was getting in my right rib cage. The initial diagnosis was gall stones and I was sent for a chest x -ray which came back clear. I was then sent for an ultrasound scan as I was still getting the pain and again I was told that there was nothing wrong and not to worry as everything was ok. This put me at ease for a while but I still got the pain which felt like a physical lump within my ribcage. I was in the meeting at Charis Church on the Sunday the 13th of June which was the day after the School of Impartation and Healing conference in Sheffield. There was an opportunity to those who were sick to come forward for prayer which I did and I explained my symptoms and this young couple started praying over me. The lady had word for me and asked if I was upset in any way and I said yes as there was a lady in the meeting whose church I was in for many years and I had left. I felt as though I needed to go and apologise to her and to ask her forgiveness. This was because while being a long standing member of her church with seemingly a good reputation. I was all the time in the church living a double life and doing things that I was ashamed of . I was reminded of James 5 v 16 which says confess your sins to one another and pray for each other that you maybe healed so we did that and from that moment the pain went and has not returned.

Graham Nichols

About Me

Barry Manson
Barry is the Pastor of Charis Church International in Sheffield in the UK. He obtained his ordination credentials in ministry from International Gospel Outreach www.igo.org.uk . He holds a Masters (with distinction) degree in Theology along with over thirty years ministry experience beginning with a missionary ministry in Holland and India before establishing his first church in UK in 1983.